form for website

form for website, What forms and functionalities can I add to the site?
You can add: forms, email marketing, chat, SEO tools and social media promotion, video courses, webinars, tutorials, forms, surveys, tests, automations, app, notifications and many others. What information is needed to create a website? Company brand/name (logo), brief description of business (target audience), problem you are trying to solve with the site, color scheme preference (if any), examples of sites that inspire you, competitor’s web , description of your web content. Can the website have international exposure? Yes. We offer advice in choosing a domain name and add the function of translation into several languages ​​or the creation of the site in English.

How long does it take to create the website and what is the price of the website?

Execution time and price are specified for each Standard Package. The addition of app can extend the delivery term, depending on the complexity of the project. How can I customize the website or online store? Send images and appropriate content for the site to describe your business, sales strategies, services and products offered – prices and description, articles on certain topics, design options – colors, logo. Does website administration require additional costs? There are no other additional costs for the standard packages, apart from hosting for hosting the domain and the annual payment for the domain name. After the site has been created, you can manage it yourself, by accessing the editable area based on user name and password.

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