online shop

online shop, Marketing Automation, Email Marketing, Unlimited Email Sending, Email Templates, Campaign and Automation Reporting, Landing Pages, Facebook Custom Audiences, Contact Scoring, SMS Marketing, Automations Map, Conditional Content, Advanced Performance Reporting, Custom Forms, WhatsApp Automation Tool, Website Chat, Webinar Tool, Directories, E-Learning Tool, Video Hosting, 3D Photo Editor, Booking App and more. Company name (logo), business description (products, services, prices, details), what products you sell in the store, store design – color preference, competing stores or model, web content description. We offer consultancy for choosing a representative domain name for your business and which can be accessed internationally. Upon request, we add the translation function in several languages. The duration of execution is 3-30 days and is specified for each Standard Package. Adding additional functionalities can extend the delivery time and the price, depending on the complexity of the project. The administration of the online store can be easily done after its creation, by accessing the editable area based on user name and password. We offer free consultation for online store management for 30 days. Social media icons can be added to: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, WhatsApp, Telegram, Linkedln, Youtube, Twitter, Vimeo, Amazon, tumblr, Snapchat, Bandcamp, Behance, Bitbucket, Buffer, CodePen, DevianArt, dribble, Flipboard, Foursquare, GitHub, Goodreads, Google, Google+, Houzz,, Mediu, Meetup, MySpace, Patreon, Periscope, Quora, Reddit, ResearchGate, RSS, Skipe, SoundCloud, Spotify, Steam, TripAdvisor, Twitch, VK, Weibo, Xing, Yelp. The social media pages can be created by you or by us, depending on the chosen Standard Package. Hosting (store hosting) and domain names are purchased annually from an authorized hosting provider. To add various forms and apps to the site, see EXTRA OPTIONS. The app price is specified for each package. You can add apps: Website Personalization, Marketing Automations, SMS Service Followup, Account Management, Personalized Product Experiences, Conversion Reporting, Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger Service Channels, Automated Chatbot Workflows and more. Yes. You send us your own images and content, description of products and services, design preferences, site models. The products can have several images, colors, prices and the images must be professional. Your business grows with every detail. A business strategy, a range of colors and a logo can personalize the business and the store and define a brand. Yes. All Standard Packages include the Responsive Design function for viewing web pages that look good on all devices and will automatically adapt to different screens. Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that makes web pages scale well on a variety of devices and windows.

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